Winterizing Your Water Feature
If you are the proud owner of a beautiful water feature, you already know how calming and peaceful it can make your outdoor space. That’s why it’s important to take the necessary steps to ensure your water feature is winterized and ready to go come spring. Here are three tips to help you prepare your water feature for its winter hibernation.
Clean It Up
Before you begin winterizing your water feature, make sure that it is clean and free of any debris or algae. Cleaning off any dirt or grime will not only improve the appearance of your water feature in spring, but it will also prevent any damage from occurring over the cold months. Use a garden hose or soft-bristled brush to scrub away dirt and debris from the sides of your fountain, waterfall, or pond. You may also need to use a special cleaning solution designed specifically for water features if there is significant buildup on the surface.

Drain Out The Water
Once you have finished cleaning up your water feature, it’s time to drain out any remaining water in the basin and pipes. This step is essential since standing water can freeze and cause cracks in your fountain or pond liner during extreme cold temperatures. Be sure to disconnect all pumps before draining out the remaining water as well as removing any plants that cannot survive subzero temperatures (such as lilies). To avoid further damage due to freezing, be sure to store the pump indoors over winter.
Cover It Up
The last step in prepping your water feature for winter is protecting it with a waterproof cover. Not only will this keep leaves, branches, and other debris out of your fountain during cold weather, but it will also help maintain temperature levels within the basin when temperatures drop significantly below freezing outside. Make sure that all sides of your fountain are completely covered by measuring carefully according to each side’s dimensions before purchasing a cover online or at a local garden supply store.
Preparing your water feature for winter does not have to be complicated—just follow these three tips! Start by cleaning up any dirt or algae buildup on surfaces with a soft-bristled brush or special cleaning solution designed specifically for fountains, then drain out all remaining water from inside before covering up with a waterproof cover that fits all surfaces completely. Taking these steps now will ensure that you can enjoy an even more beautiful outdoor space come springtime!